Monday, February 26, 2007

Something to Talk About

Sunday night Kelly hosted her annual Oscar Party. We all agreed this was the most boring Oscar show in years. (Until, of course Martin Scorsese won best director for The Departed. Didn't I call this months ago?) Instead of watching the show, we inevitably ended up chatting about all things babies!

Erich took this picture of the two pregnant ladies! Me at nine months, and Kelly at almost six months! Yes, almost six months!

Later, I began to think about all my nieces and nephews and how lucky my family is to have all these healthy little munchkins in our lives.

I must show them off!

Blake and Brooke

Baby Madeleine, I affectionately call her M&M

Reese. I call him Reesie-Pie. What a handsome little devil!

Christopher. I used to call him Chrissy when he was a baby, but now I call him Chris. I think his dad prefers that anyways!

Baby Anna. Look at those blue eyes and long lashes!

PS- Happy Birthday to my brother Dave today!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

I Knew It!

I'm posting this at 1:56 in the morning, so hopefully this is somewhat coherent. I seem to be up all night lately. And when I say all night, I literally mean ALL NIGHT. I usually fall asleep around six or seven in the morning and then sleep until eleven or so. My migraines don't help the situation either, seeing that I have to be asleep or lying down in my room when those occur. This has messed up my sleep schedule to the point that I just surrender and sleep whenever I can. I suppose this is preparation for when the baby arrives. I'm certainly catching up on my late-night infomercials.

Anyways, A recent article from Reuters concludes that, “Math Anxiety Saps Working Memory Needed to do Math”

For those of you that know me, you know that math is not my strong point. My poor parents spent a fortune on math tutors for me in high school and I still failed algebra 2 in eleventh grade. I had to repeat the class again in twelfth grade and passed with a D. Actually, I think my average for the year was a 63% (64% is passing). My sweet teacher felt bad for me and let it slide. Probably because I wasn’t a behavior issue and I actually paid attention to everything she said. I even stayed after school to wash her overhead slides for extra credit.

Looking back on it now, I’m surprised none of my math teachers ever recommended me for testing or special services due to my poor math grades. I had pretty decent grades in my other classes and I was barely getting by in math. My math tutor, Mrs. Dunkle, even asked me after one of our tutoring sessions how I was doing in my other special education classes. The thing was, I wasn’t in any special education classes, but now I think I should have had special attention for my math issues. Too late now I suppose.

Anyways, the problem still exists today. Just ask any of my family or friends. I avoid math like the plague. It makes me feel so stupid, anxious and nervous whenever I think about it. My seventh grade students will come up to me during study hall with a math problem and I’ll have no idea how to do it. I'll then pronounce, “Who would like to be a special volunteer and assist Johnny with his math homework? You know the best way to master something is to teach it.” Usually, I'll get a few volunteers.Thank goodness. I can’t let them know that I have no idea how to approach the math problem. Sneaky, huh?

I inevitably end up telling them the story of how I failed math in high school anyways, so I don’t know why I put on the front.

I think there is something to the theory of multiple intelligences after all.

"The theory of multiple intelligences was developed in 1983 by Dr. Howard Gardner, professor of education at Harvard University. It suggests that the traditional notion of intelligence, based on I.Q. testing, is far too limited. Instead, Dr. Gardner proposes eight different intelligences to account for a broader range of human potential in children and adults."

These intelligences are:
 Linguistic intelligence ("word smart")
 Logical-mathematical intelligence ("number/reasoning smart")
 Spatial intelligence ("picture smart")
 Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence ("body smart")
 Musical intelligence ("music smart")
 Interpersonal intelligence ("people smart")
Intrapersonal intelligence ("self smart")
 Naturalist intelligence ("nature smart")

above info from:

Monday, February 19, 2007

A Cause I Can Jump Behind

This weekend my father-in-law gave me this article from The Philadelphia Inquirer titled, "Zoos enlisted in a battle to save frogs"

Well, it is about time! Finally, a worthy cause that I can support. I'm not sure how I'm going to support it just yet, but when I decide, I'll let you know.

Find out what kind of a frog you are by taking this simple test.

I'm a Red Eyed Tree Frog, obviously! Like the Red Eyed Tree frog, my eyes turn red when I am angry, I am most active at night, and I only like to hang out with other Red Eyed Tree Frogs.

I'm a Red Eyed Tree Frog!

"Red-eyed tree frogs come from the warm and humid rain forests of Costa Rica in Central America. Some believe that their red eyes are a form of protection called "startle coloration". These frogs are very mellow during the day, and tend to be active only at night, so if the frog is awakened in the daytime, as might happen if a predator chanced upon it despite its excellent day time camouflage, the eyes pop abruptly open, hopefully startling the predator. This species tends to do better in a community of other red eyed tree frogs."

New M&M pics

Madeleine Marie is a little over a month old now! Look how much she has grown.

Madeleine and Mom, Kelley

Madeleine and Uncle Andy

Sunday, February 18, 2007

I hear that

I found this today on my weekly email from I am 34 weeks now and according to my due date, only 42 more days to go!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Will I Ever Learn?

A few days ago I posted something titled, “A Sorry Excuse for a Post”
In this, I mentioned that my favorite artist was Andrew D. Well, for those of you who don’t know, that would be my husband. I also took the liberty to snap some photos of his work and post them on that particular blog. BIG MISTAKE!

No, no, no, I’m just kidding. Well, sort of. You see, there is kind of a joke between my friends and I when it comes to Andy’s art. Basically, I am not supposed to get involved at all.

I may have gone on a PR kick with his work a few years ago which landed me in some hot water. I may have notified some news outlets that he won the 8TH ANNUAL GEORGETOWN INTERNATIONAL FINE ART COMPETITION, juried and curated by Kristen Hileman, Asst. Curator for Contemporary Art at the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Gardens. Out of 1,000 submissions from 184 artist, they picked Andy‘s work as the best. (See, I can’t help myself! I’m doing it again!)
(scroll down to see his pieces and other images from the show)

Like I said, big mistake. The next thing he knew a news crew from channel 5 showed up at his fire station to interview him about his work. Imagine this, a bunch of firefighters hanging out at the station and some reporter comes in to interview Andy about his art. I guess that falls under the category of embarrassing for some guys. How am I supposed to know that? Ever since then, the guys at work have called him Picasso. He also had articles in The Fairfax Connection and The Fairfax Times. I’m not sure he enjoyed being interviewed for those either. This basically sums up his thoughts on artist statements:

I also may have invited everyone I know to his opening in Georgetown a few weeks later. He was not pleased. He would rather keep a low profile and not tell anyone about such events. NOT ME! Anyways, I vowed to stay out of his art affairs in the future and let him handle things the way he wishes.

I must have forgot this rule when I posted his images the other day. He really didn’t mind all that much that I posted his work, just that I took really bad pictures of his work. Some of the drawings were sitting on the floor in the garage. I thought they looked fine, so I didn’t think much about it.

Here are some images that are not from the garage floor:

After my post, I realized the point Andy was making.

Posting his unfinished art would be like him posting some dreadful poetry that I wrote as a teenager. I though about that for a few minutes and realized how annoyed I would be. Especially because that stuff was REALLY bad! So, in an effort to redeem myself here, I have actually pulled out an old journal of mine from 9th and 10th grade.

I found the most horrendous poems I could find and have posted them below:

Here is the actual journal

A masterpiece about my car

I have absolutely no idea what this is

I told you it was bad!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Day of the Dead

Today I received a lovely Valentine’s Day present from my beloved hubby. It was a beautiful Valentine’s Day card! This card is reminiscent of the Mexican holiday known as The Day of the Dead. It includes the traditional use of skulls to represent those that have passed from this life to the next.

Inevitably, Andy put his own Valentine’s Day twist on this skull and incorporated some lovely hearts in the mix. Now, skulls may not be what first comes to mind when you think of Valentine’s Day, but this is one of the reasons I love my hubby so much. He finds the beauty in all things; even skulls.

Here is some more info on The Day of the Dead:

Here are a few skull images we found in Europe this summer:

Not a fan

Teachers are fans of snow days. Bulldogs are not.

It took a lot of coaxing to get Luke out the door today. He would much rather be relaxing in his warm bed.

This K-9 is not a fan of the elements. What a baby!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

A Sorry Excuse For A Post

If you have an email address, then you have most definitely received one of those forwards from your friends that asks you to fill out some ridiculously long survey. These usually entail random questions that are of virtually no significance at all. I recently received one of these surveys. For your reading enjoyment, I have posted my answers below. (Like I said, a sorry excuse for a post)

Things you may or may not know about me in no particular order.

Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. Hostess at Artie's (not Arby's) (college)
2. Admin at The Northern Virginia Writing Project (college)
3. Admin at SAIC (right out of college)
4. Front desk and daycare person at Gold's Gym (HS)

1. Love Actually
2. Great Expectations
3. My Blue Heaven
4. Three Amigos
(All guilty pleasure movies)


This is a funny question- only in Fairfax- I don't like too much change.
1. Fairfax
2. Fairfax
3. Fairfax
4. Fairfax

1. Miami Ink
2. Big Love
3. The Sopranos
4. The Dog Whisperer

1. Ireland
2. Puerto Rico
3. Malta
4. Rome


1. Yahoo

If you could eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Chang's Spicy Chicken from PF Chang's.

What time is your alarm clock set for?
No time at all right now- I sleep when I can.

Do you wear flip-flops even when its cold outside?
Yes, especially to walk the dog.

Would you rather take the picture or be in the picture?
Both. Lately, I'm more fond of taking pictures.

What was the last movie you watched?
Running With Scissors

If you won the lottery, what’s the first thing you would buy?
Land to build Andy's ultra-modern dream house!

What CD is currently in your CD player?
Johnny Cash

Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk?
Regular skim

What did you have for dinner last night?
I can't remember. Pregnancy makes you forgetful.

Have you ever participated in a protest?
Not a formal one, but many impromptu protests around the house.

Who was the last person to call you?

What is your favorite ride at the amusement park?
The Grizzly at King's Dominion

Have you ever dated one of your best friends?
Yes, I married him. My best friend

Did you watch cartoons as a child?
Yes. Jimmy and I loved some Gummy Bears.

Would you ever sky dive?
I used to think so, but now I never would. I'm too afraid of the risk and it is not something I've always wanted to do. I'd actually rather swim with sharks. (Them in the water, me in a cage!) That is what I want to do when I retire; go to South Africa and swim with the Great Whites. What is your biggest regret?
I don't know yet. Maybe this post?

When was your last plane ride?
July- from Spain to Munich, then to DC.

Do you crack your knuckles?
Yes, I crack everything. It is a terrible habit of mine.

How many pairs of jeans do you own?
A lot. Five or Six pairs of maternity jeans (Thanks Tash!) and a bunch of other jeans I don't want to talk about right now because I don't see myself wearing them for quite sometime.

Have you been to Europe?
Yes. France, Spain, Italy, Malta, Ireland, Germany.

Can you skip rocks?
Yes, I can. I had a creek in my front yard growing up.

Have you ever been to Jamaica?
Yes. Once for spring break and once for my honeymoon!

What do you snack on in the movies?
Twizlers or popcorn.

Who is your favorite teacher?
Ms. Gretchen Portwood. The best teacher ever!

Did you ever play Capture the Flag in school?
Yes, all the time at Mantua!

How do you sleep?
I don't sleep much at all right now.

Which sport are you best at?
That is funny. I think I am best at walking on the tread-mill and yoga, but I don't think those are sports.

What is your favorite alcoholic drink?
Icepick- Iced tea and vodka. And my favorite person to drink them with is my sis-in-law Natasha, preferably while sitting on her deck at Nags Head. Tash and I on the deck at Nags Head after a few Icepicks!

If you were born the opposite sex, what would your name be?
I suppose it would be my little brother's name: James Francis.

Do you like your living arrangement?
Yes. I love my home!

Did you ever go to the same school as your parents?
No- they grew up in Boston.

What has been your favorite place to travel?
Valetta, Malta

Who is your favorite artist?
Andrew D. of course

What album did you buy last?
Fiona Apple, Extraordinary Machine

How many siblings do you have?
4 brothers, 2 brother-in-laws, 5 sister-in-laws

How old will you be turning on your next birthday?
29 (Are you kidding me? I'll be 29?)

Saturday, February 3, 2007

We all have something

I recently posted an entry on my fabulous frog collection. Since then, I have found a few more frogs around the house. I’ll spare you those pictures.

Then I realized that most of us are known for having some sort of “thing” that we are associated with. For instance:

Erin: Snoopy
Natasha: Palm Trees
Katie: Fish
Justine: Martinis (ha ha!)

For my husband, that thing would be Star Wars. I told you earlier that if it was up to him, our baby would be named Boba Fett. Allow me to illustrate:

This box was too heavy for me to get down. It is filled with Star Wars stuff.

Many of these are Star Wars comic books.

He actually drinks from this cup on a daily basis.

Our nephew Chris was Yoda for Halloween. Andy was so happy to find a young fan in the making.

This was on our European Cruise. He found a Star Wars game in the middle of the ocean.

I almost forgot our dog Luke Skywalker.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Somewhere, USA

Yesterday I received a bulky package of mail from work. My dept. chair Diane, (I affectionately call her boss-lady) was kind enough to include a few cards that some of my students wrote for me. These “Get Well” cards were probably given as a mandatory assignment or extra credit by my long term sub. That may explain why I received so many of them. I have no illusions that all of my students would suddenly feel the need to write me a card. I’ll bet this assignment was even for a grade! That would certainly explain why they all, “missed me so much.”

The first card I opened was addressed like so:
(For the sake of anonymity, I have not included any names.)

Mrs. D.
Somewhere, USA

That cracked me up. This young cherub knows that I am “somewhere” and that place is not at school.

I also particularly enjoyed this poem:

I think this is a picture of me in the hospital.

These cards really made my day. They all get an A+.