Thursday, January 25, 2007

Shameless Plug

I woke up this morning to a text message from my brother Jim telling me that he was meeting Ivanka Trump today. Interesting to say the least. Well, I haven't heard back from him, so I don't know what that was all about. I bet she needed some financial advice or something.

Anyways, that got me to thinking... tax season is upon us and I feel compelled to plug my little brother Jim.

He is the man as far as I am concerned, and he does a great job with taxes. He also has plenty of clients (and a beautiful girlfriend) in Fairfax, so he is here often! He saved my hubby and I lots of money last year, and who doesn't want that?

(Jim, I hope you're not mad that I posted this. Too late if you are!)

You can check out his services at his website: (He also has a mortgage company. Overachiever!)

Jim and his lovely girlfriend Lauren.

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