Sunday, August 19, 2007

This is what it has come to?

Yes, it has come to this. I don't even post captions along with my pictures. What is wrong with me? Don't I have any standards? (Don't answer that) What a crappy excuse for a blog this has become. Honestly, this is partially why I've been avoiding this thing. I think if I just ignore it, it will go away. Mary, you are an idiot. If you DO in fact ignore it, it will go away! I suppose this is true. I can delete all of my past entries and pretend this never happened. Or I can print them out and save them. That way Ryane can know what a whiner and complainer I was. I think not.

The sad thing is, I can't even make up some of the stuff that has happened this summer. I could write a sequel to "Unsolicited Opinions from Dear Old Dad" based on the past two months alone. Maybe one day.

So, instead I've posted a picture of Ryane eating some rice cereal. Enthralling, I know.


Danny said...

never underestimate the power of a picture of ryane eating rice cereal. seriously. the cuteness factor of that picture more than makes up for any missed blogs or faulty captions.

Anonymous said...

don't post any silly or false stories about Foxy Loxy.....

Leave those for the book

Anonymous said...

I agree. Pictures say more than words.
I agree. Leave the Foxy Loxy stories for THE BOOK.