Tuesday, January 30, 2007


I'm back. Aren't you lucky? I've had a few days of headaches and some sleepless nights, so I'm feeling good today and ready to roll. I feel the need to catch you up on what I’ve been doing. After you read this post, you'll probably think I should have waited to post something more substantial. I apologize in advance for that one.

The most interesting thing I did over the past few days was make brownies. Now, if you know me at all, you know that I don't really cook, so this is a big deal. Granted, they were from a box and all I had to do was add the mix, eggs and oil. Still, this is huge for me.

Andy also put together baby D's crib this week! The nursery is now painted and we are looking forward to putting together our matching changing table and dressers! It is all beginning to come together!

You may have noticed the little frog in the baby's crib. My brother John has been giving me frogs for Christmas for as long as I can remember. He sent this chirping frog toy along for our baby this Christmas!

Come to think of it, I have a lot of frogs around the house. They have all been given to me as gifts over the years. Here are a few of them.

I ran into this frog in Europe this summer. I had to stop and say hello!

Andy gave me this frog keychain over 12 years ago for my 16th birthday. I have cherished it ever since!

These frogs hang out in one of our bathrooms.

This frog is a magnet on our fridge! He guards all the food! (He also holds up pictures of Tash and I and one of Andy and Luke!)

This frog also hangs out in the bathroom.

This frog watches out for fire.

This frog has a green thumb.

Here is another firefighting frog. It is a popular profession for these animals.

If you think I have a lot of frogs at home, you should see my classroom. I have frog borders, posters, cups, magnets, stickers, pens, calendars and so on. A few years ago, one of my seventh grade boys came up to my desk. It was during the first week of school and he was almost in tears. The conversation went something like this:

Him: Ms. P. I have to tell you something.

Me: Okay, sweetie what is it?

Him: In my country we eat frogs.

Me: That is okay. Are they good?

Him: Yes, they taste like chicken. I didn't know that you liked frogs so much. I won't eat them again.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Shameless Plug

I woke up this morning to a text message from my brother Jim telling me that he was meeting Ivanka Trump today. Interesting to say the least. Well, I haven't heard back from him, so I don't know what that was all about. I bet she needed some financial advice or something.

Anyways, that got me to thinking... tax season is upon us and I feel compelled to plug my little brother Jim.

He is the man as far as I am concerned, and he does a great job with taxes. He also has plenty of clients (and a beautiful girlfriend) in Fairfax, so he is here often! He saved my hubby and I lots of money last year, and who doesn't want that?

(Jim, I hope you're not mad that I posted this. Too late if you are!)

You can check out his services at his website:


http://www.archlending.com/team.php (He also has a mortgage company. Overachiever!)

Jim and his lovely girlfriend Lauren.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I’m In the Wrong Business

Ever since I found out I was pregnant, I have been addicted to anything baby-related. I watch all the baby shows on TV: Bringing Home Baby, A Baby Story, Make Room For Baby, etc. I realize this may be totally unhealthy, but I truly can't help it.

The truth is, I would much rather read a baby book than do just about anything. I'm sure my husband appreciates this because he can't stand those baby shows on TV.
My husband will often come home looking for me, and I’ll be tucked away upstairs reading, What to Expect When You’re Expecting for the third (or twentieth) time. I have no idea why; I just can’t get enough.

I was cleaning up my bedroom today and I realized just how many baby books I have. Many of them have been gifts from my sister-in- laws, and some I have purchased on my own. I’ve also borrowed a few from my pregnant friend Kelly- now 17 weeks! Most notably, she has let me borrow Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy which is not pictured here.

In addition to Unsolicited Opinions From Dear Old Dad I’ll have to write a baby book. Apparently, that is where the money is!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Happy Birthday Grandma!

Last night Dave and Kerry graciously hosted my mom's birthday celebration. Here are some pics.

Reese and Christopher playing
Grandpa and Reese hanging out

Blake, Brooke and Tash. (Brooke must have been tired)

Blowing out the candles on Grandma's Birthday cake

Saturday, January 20, 2007

All I Want For Christmas

If you have been watching TV this week, you may have seen Steve Irwin’s widow Terri and their daughter Bindi making the talk show rounds. My heart goes out to Terri Irwin because like most people, I cannot fathom the idea of losing my significant other. I admire her strength and integrity as she attempts to continue her husband's wildlife crusade.

Logically, this brings me to the topic of Motorcycles. My husband wants a Triumph motorcycle. (It doesn’t help that my Father gave him a motorcycle book for his birthday either! Thanks a lot Dad!)

Now, I am not the type of wife to tell my husband what to do. I just use a little dose of healthy passive- aggressiveness to get my point across. I would never deny him what he wants, and if he truly feels like he needs a motorcycle to make him happy, then by all means he should have one. He can certainly get one and risk the possibility of a severe accident. (Can you detect my highly evolved passive- aggressive skills?)

Whenever he brings it up, I casually remind him of the times he has come home from work and declared with certainty, “I’ll never get a motorcycle after the call we ran last night.” Then he proceeds to tell me the disturbing and sad details of the accident.

So, waiting under the Christmas tree this year was a shiny Triumph T-Shirt! That is almost as good as the bike, right?

Coincidentally, Andy even wore his Christmas present last night. I told you he loves it! I think our little nephew Reese likes it too!

Friday, January 19, 2007

I have a lot to learn

Top Ten (12 rather) list from my talented brother-in-law Danny-

He is an actor/ director/ writer.
You can check out his website at:

1) a history of violence
2) a life less ordinary
3) closer
4) punch drunk love
5) the usual suspects
6) brick
7) the history boys <--i'm sure this isn't on DVD yet, but when it is, get it. it's amazing.

8) children of men <--same as above, although you and A can catch this at the local theater.
9) angels in america
10) ghost world
11) shaun of the dead
12) american splendor

From my father-in-law:

"Dearest Mary,
You did pick at least three great movies -
my #3 To Kill A Mockingbird,
my #4 Paper Clips
and my #6 Schindler's List.

However, what could possibly have possessed you to omit my #1 The Wizard of OZ (Lucas stole the plot line for Star Wars.),
#2 Star Wars,
#5 On the Waterfront (Brando at his best),
#7 It's A Wonderful Life (Jimmy Stewart's first movie after returning from WWII),
#8 Singin In The Rain (Kelly, O'Connor and Reynolds)
#9 Casablanca (How can you have a movie list w/o Bogie?)
#10 The Quiet Man (Ireland, John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara)
#11 The Bridge On The River Kwai (Bill Holden and Alec Guinness)
#12 Shane (Simply a great movie from a book.)
#13 Guess Who's Coming To Dinner (Tracy, Hepburn and Poitier (gutsy social statement in 1967)
#14 American Graffiti (Reminded me of my nights at the Steer-In and Hot Shoppes - another lifetime.)
#15 Rocky (the first and last one)

I'm sure there are many others like, "The Adventures of Robin Hood" with Errol Flynn and Olivia de Havilland (another movie Lucas used to write Star Wars) but I'll save those for another time." JMD

Now I know what I'll be doing for the next few weeks, since I have only seen three movies on the list above. Like I said, I have a lot to learn!

I'm also interested in the
Steer-In and Hot Shoppes. Do tell!

Thanks G-dad!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

An Unsolicited Opinion From Dear Old Dad

My brothers and I often joke about the self titled "Unsolicited Opinions From Dear Old Dad" that my father regularly bestows on us. If I ever get around to writing something substantial, this will most definitely be the title of my work. I would list some of these one-liners here, but I’d rather save them until I attempt to publish them in their entirety. Believe me, it will be worth the wait. I’m telling you I could fill the Grand Canyon two times over with all the “unsolicited opinions” I've received from my father over the years. Don’t get me wrong, the advice is good, and it comes from the unique perspective of my father, who is one of the smartest people I know. I know everyone thinks that about their dad, but I really believe it. Any man that spends nine years in undergraduate school, obviously likes academia!

Why am I bringing this up? Well, one of those unsolicited opinions went something like this, “People will judge you based on the way you write." I certainly have found this to be true, further proving the point that my dad is of genius-level intelligence. If you recall, the premise of this blog was to keep me entertained. It has recently occurred to me that people may be judging me on the way I write, and of course that is perfectly expected.

I’m not sweating this at all because of the following reason. I have been treating this blog as my own form of “drunk-dialing.” Drunk-dialing occurs after one has had a few too many rum and cokes and proceeds to call someone they may otherwise never considered calling. The only evidence of a drunk-dial then appears the next day on the outgoing call section of your cell phone. It is right there starring you in the face; undeniable evidence that you did indeed call that person at 2:15 in the morning. I have never partaken in this sort of activity, this information is solely based on what my friends have told me. (I’ll stick to that.)

Essentially this blog is my own form of drunk-dialing. I sit at the computer when I’m bored and decide to write something down. (Don’t worry, I’m not drinking rum and cokes at the time.) After I read it over once, I decide to post it. The next day, I go back and read it. Nine times out of ten, I’m thinking, “Why did I post that?” Then I remember! I’m writing this blog for my own self-gratifying purposes! I warned you all from the beginning that this blog was self-serving. I’m sure you’ve figured that out by now, especially if you’ve read this much.

Let me explain. In my creative writing classes, we begin each class with something called an AW, or Automatic Writing. It is a free writing exercise. The AW usually consists of a question or comment related to what we are studying. They are warm-up writing exercises in which the writer begins writing and continues to write, nonstop, for a specific length of time. During this time, the writer does not worry about mistakes; he or she does not stop to correct errors or check spelling. The purpose of automatic writing is for the writer to generate ideas quickly and to get them down on paper. I’d like to think that free writing is an effective learning tool. I hope it helps my students increase fluency, and increase the impulsive part of writing that can be so rewarding. I think teachers have to foster the right environment for students to feel safe and creative. I usually give the students 5-10 minutes to write at the beginning of each class.

Believe me, I know there is a place for grammar, sentence structure and mechanics in the creative writing classroom, but I also think I have to nurture their creative side as well.
I’ve noticed that some of my students write a one-word answer and then shut their AW journal and put their head down on their desk. Some other students are writing vigorously and enthusiastically until the moment I tell them to stop. I figured that some of the students were just not interested, and didn’t care to do the work. Then I began to notice that many of my A and B students were the ones who wrote the short responses in their journals, and then moved on to something else. I would often walk around the room during AW time and insist that the students try to write for the entire five to ten minutes. The students that would stop early, would seem annoyed at the thought of continuing to write. The look on their faces seemed to ask, “Why are we doing this?"

Then it occurred to me that some of the students might not understand the purpose of writing for themselves. They didn’t realize that the writing was not really for me; I was not necessarily their audience. The writing was for them to experiment and think for themselves. Students are often given such detailed rubrics and boundaries that when they are asked to come up with something creative, they are at a complete loss.

Why do good students sometimes back away from writing creatively? Were they uncomfortable with the informality of it? Did they feel awkward about expressing themselves in writing? Were they afraid that I was going to think their ideas were stupid? Were they afraid of getting a bad grade? Maybe these students were playing it safe by not writing a lot. Anyways, my findings on that topic will probably bore you into oblivion, so I’ll stop there.

My point is this- sometimes you need to throw the fear of judgment out the window and just go for it. So what if you misspell a few words or your sentence structure is all out of whack? That is the risk you take when you free write. I’m not suggesting that you free write on a resume, mission statement, or formal letter, but there is something healthy and refreshing about writing for yourself and forgetting the audience altogether.

That is what I’m doing with these blog entries, except as it turns out some of you are actually reading them. Who knew?

Dad, I hope you can refrain from judging my writing until the thoroughly edited version of “Unsolicited Opinions From Dear Old Dad” is published. After all, I’m sure I’ll regret posting this tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

For your consideration... continued.

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For your consideration...

These migraines can really cramp my style. I basically had a wonderful weekend until early Monday morning when a migraine attacked around 3 am. It lingered until about 8 pm last night. Luckily my husband was off yesterday and was able to assist me. I need someone to get the frozen peas out so I can strap them to my forehead. I have no idea if this actually helps my head feel better, but it gives me something else to concentrate on… like the extreme cold pulsating through my head, instead of the throbbing pain I usually feel. After a good 17 hours in my dark and quiet bedroom I was ready to return to the world again.

Not only was I happy to get out of bed, I was thrilled because it was just in time for the Golden Globes. I was a little bummed because my favorite TV series Big Love lost out to Grey’s Anatomy. If you haven’t seen or heard of HBO’s Big Love, I recommend you check it out. The plot is amazing and the actors are extremely believable in this unorthodox family. I believe season two begins sometime this spring.

I stopped complaining after Martin Scorsese won best director for The Departed, one of my favorite films of the year.

Anyways, back to my fantastic weekend. Certainly the highlight was meeting my beautiful niece Madeleine on Friday! Nothing can compare to that, but the rest of the weekend was quite fun as well. On Saturday night, I ventured out to Champ’s in Fair Oaks to catch up with one of my best-friends and college roommate, Ashley. She moved back to New Jersey about three years ago and Fairfax just hasn't been the same without her. We were all pleased to gawk at her handsome new fiancĂ© and her beautiful engagement ring.

It had been quite sometime since I’d been in a restaurant/bar atmosphere. As you can probably imagine, I’ve been avoiding those places for the past seven months. Initially, the bar area was way too smoky and there was nowhere to sit, so Kelly (also pregnant!) and her husband Erich, along with Andy and myself got a table in the restaurant. May I add that Andy and Erich each had salads for dinner, while Kelly had the mile-high nachos and I enjoyed the sampler platter. Oh, the joys of being pregnant!
(The girls at Champ's on Saturday)

I spent a beautiful day on Sunday in Annapolis with Molly, one of my oldest friends from elementary school. We enjoyed lunch at Pusser’s and had a great time walking around the city. http://www.pussersusa.com/
Erin and Courtney even made some new friends.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

The Real Slim Shady

Madeleine Marie (Eminem, or M&M) was born on January 12. She weighed in at 7 lbs. 6 oz! Congrats to Kelley and Chris!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Ice Ice Baby

I miss parking in my garage. Last night it dropped below freezing and I'm beginning to want my garage back. "Where did my garage go?" you ask.... Well, actually, it hasn't gone anywhere. I'm the one that has been removed from the equation. You see, in the three years that I have lived in my house, I've hit the garage a total of four times. When I say, "hit the garage" I don't mean that I've kicked the wall in a moment of frustration, I mean banged the hell out of it while driving my car.

Let me explain. We live in an end unit, and the turn I have to make is a really sharp one. It is almost impossible NOT to hit the garage as I pull in. (That's my story and I'm sticking to it!)

The third time I banged into the garage, I actually got the car stuck. How is that possible you ask? My husband asked the same thing when I called him in a panic.

Me: I'm stuck in the garage!
Him: What do you mean you're stuck in the garage?
Me: I rammed into it.
Him: Again?
Me: I can't move the car forward or backward, it just keeps making these really awful noises as it scrapes against the wall.
Him: I'll be right there. Don't do anything.
Me: But....
Him: Don't move.

So, for a few days after this "incident" I voluntarily started parking in the open spaces outside my house. My husband seemed surprised and quite pleased. (He just reminded me that in three years, he has never hit his side of the garage. Big Deal! He drives a firetruck for a living. He's supposed to be a good driver.)

Let me also mention that I blame most of my poor driving and directional skills on my friends. They NEVER let me drive anywhere. I offer, and they somehow find a sneaky way to make sure I'm not the one driving. I know all your tricks girls!

Ok, back to my story. After a few days, my confidence was restored and I attempted to park in the garage. That worked for about three weeks. Then, I got a new car. One month later, the new car followed in the footsteps of the old one. The driver side mirror was knocked off and I had successfully scratched and dented my door. My husband must have heard the noise from upstairs, because before I knew it he was standing in the garage doorway.

He never gets mad. I think I've heard him raise his voice a total of five times, and they've all been during World Cup soccer matches. He just looked concerned for my safety, and made sure that I was ok. In the meantime I could just see the dollar signs adding up in his sweet ol' head. It broke my heart. I can't continue doing this to the man I Iove. I'll give him a heart attack by the time he's 35. At that moment, I decided the garage and me were finished. It was a clean break. I haven't been back since.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

When I grow up

When you were little, did you know what you wanted to be when you grew up?

My good friend Kelly recently reminded me of something from our elementary school days that I had forgotten. Unlike most fourth graders that fantasize about becoming a movie star, professional athlete, nurse, teacher, or lifeguard, (C'mon, you remember how cool the lifeguard was at your pool, don't you?) I had something else in mind. Kelly recalled that I wanted to be a Nazi Hunter. That is correct. At the age of ten, I was determined to be a Nazi Hunter. I don't think I realized (or cared for that matter) that most of the perpetrators would be dead by the time I graduated from HS. All I wanted to do was hunt them down and bring them to justice.

My father recently let me borrow a hard copy of the book The Holocaust Chronicle, (I can't figure out how to underline in this program. Just imagine the title of the book is underlined) published by Louis Weber. This entire 700 plus page book is also available on-line. http://www.holocaustchronicle.org/

"As the 21st century unfolds, the Holocaust recedes farther into the past. As something that happened in an earlier century, it may appear to be increasingly distant from us. Nothing, however, could be further from the truth. The genocide happened; it casts shadows upon the earth. The genocide makes no darkness unthinkable, no destruction unimaginable, no devastation impossible. Post-Holocaust ethnic cleansing in Kosovo and genocides in Bosnia and Rwanda testify to that. Only if the Holocaust's warning is heeded and not forgotten can the cry "never again!" keep from being mocked by a resounding "again and again!" The Holocaust Chronicle. Prologue, page 19.

We can also look at what is currently happening in Darfur. http://www.savedarfur.org/content
Genocide warnings are also present in Chad, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Uzbekistan and Burma.

Like many people, I am a firm believer that we have to understand the darkest moments in history to make sure they never happen again. Although this book is often difficult to read, I think it is important to be a witness in any way I can.

Use the force Luke

So I'm considering signing up Luke Skywalker for Pets on Wheels. http://www.fpow.org/
Luke Skywalker is my 2 1/2 year old English bulldog. My husband is a big time Star Wars fan. Luckily, I won out on the dog- naming controversy. He preferred Chewey, Jabba, Han Solo or Lando Calrissian. If you even know who Lando Calrissian is, you and my husband would get along. If it were up to my husband, my baby could possibly be named Boba Fett. Once again, if you even know who Boba Fett is, you and my husband could be pals.

Anyways, enough throwing my husband under the bus. So, back to Pets on Wheels. It is a volunteer organization where dogs visit local nursing homes
to hang out with the residents. We always bring Luke up to Philly when we visit the grandparents, and they love it. Luke would be great at this job. We can show off our skateboarding tricks.

Monday, January 8, 2007

Did you ever see the movie Alien?

Remember when the alien pops out of that dude's stomach in the movie ALIEN? Yeah, I do too. This is what I learned about my insides today, thanks to this neat little website called babycenter.com. Not that I believe I have an alien inside me. In fact, I know I don't. I saw the ultrasound pics and it is indeed a human. Thank God!

Your baby is really starting to fill up your uterus. This week he or she weighs almost 2 pounds and is about 14.4 inches long with his legs extended. He or she can now open and close his eyes, and he sleeps and wakes at regular intervals. He may suck his fingers, and although his lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning — with assistance — if he were to be born prematurely. Chalk up any rhythmic movement you may be feeling to a case of baby hiccups, which may be common from now on." babycenter.com

Well, I'm glad to hear that the baby is sleeping at regular intervals, because at least someone should be. I most definitely am not. It has gotten to the point that my husband moves himself to the guest room around 2 am because he can't sleep while I'm attempting to do a downward facing dog or childs pose on our bed. (yoga move, for those of you who don't know. I'm adding this because I can just see my mother reading, "downward facing dog" and wondering what kind of weird stuff I'm into. Don't worry mom, it's a yoga pose.) I can't blame him. I mean, I'm up to use the bathroom every 30 minutes, and I sigh and moan every time I attempt to roll over in bed. The poor man is up all night at work running fire and EMS calls, so when he's off, he needs his sleep.

Separate bedrooms? Isn't that supposed to happen later on in a marriage? I guess we've hit that benchmark early. What can I say... we're overachievers!

Sunday, January 7, 2007

What the heck am I doing?

Due to the persistence of my friend Justine, I have decided to begin writing this blog. (You can check out her blog at: http://justineungaro.blogspot.com/) She was probably getting sick of me reminding her to update her blog, and therefor insisted that I start my own. The thing is, Justine has a pretty interesting life. She just moved to LA with her fabulous boyfriend and has a variety of entertaining adventures to share. You will soon discover, especially if you continue reading, that my life is not nearly as adventurous.

Ok, I take that back. It is extremely adventurous. Adventurous in the sense that I am 27 weeks pregnant with my first child! (I think explanation points are overused, but that definitely calls for a special punctuation mark.)

I can predict this is not going to be easy. I'm only two paragraphs in, and I've reached my first crucial questions regarding this blog:
Do I want to share this with with friends only? Family? In-laws? Co-workers? Who is my audience? What do I want my tone to be? Do I want to be funny? Serious? Genuine? Sincere? Warm-hearted? Cynical? (that one is especially easy for me) or HONEST?

Hmm.... honest? That means I could tell the truth about things that I am thinking and feeling. I could write all the things that I would never actually say out loud. Ohhh, the possibilities... I could dish out the real dirt about my life.

I think not. I'll keep this light and dish out my real issues on another "anonymous" blog, that none of you will ever read. Deal?

So, here goes nothing. Word up.

Ache in the head

Some definitions that have become a part of my daily life:

Migraine: The most common type of vascular headache, involving (it is thought) abnormal sensitivity of blood vessels (arteries) in the brain to various triggers resulting in rapid changes in the artery size due to spasm (constriction). Other arteries in the brain and scalp then open (dilate), and throbbing pain is perceived in the head.

Transient ischemic attack (TIA): A neurological event with the signs and symptoms of a stroke, but which go away within a short period of time. Also called a mini-stroke, a TIA is due to a temporary lack of adequate blood and oxygen (ischemia) to the brain. This is often caused by the narrowing (or, less often, ulceration) of the carotid arteries (the major arteries in the neck that supply blood to the brain).

Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO): An atrial septal defect (ASD) is a group of congenital heart diseases that involve the inter-atrial septum of the heart. The inter-atrial septum is the tissue that separates the right and left atria from each other. Without this septum, or if there is a defect in this septum, it is possible for blood to travel from the left side of the heart to the right side of the heart, or the other way around.

Ok, here's long and short of it:

I'm a middle school creative writing teacher. I have been teaching for the past seven years, and recently had to go on disability due to migraine headaches. This is totally lame. I am the type of person that loves my job and loves working (most of the time). Yes, I know I turn into a meteorologist in the winter as I watch every weather forecast and check all the Internet weather links searching for signs of a possible snowflake. I know! But that doesn't mean I don't dig my job. I just really enjoy the occasional snow day or delayed opening. Maybe a little too much. It has also been difficult because migraines are not completely understood by the vast majority of people that have not experienced them. There is so much research and controversy surrounding migraines, especially relating to the things that I have recently gone through.

I began to have migraine headaches about four and a half years ago. At that time, I was teaching full-time, attending graduate school and planning my wedding. Needless to say, stress may have been a factor. However, the migraines have continued. After many doctor visits, it was recommended that I see a neurologist. By the way, my neurologist is awesome. His name is Dr. Stark from the Neurology and Headache Treatment Center in Alexandria. http://www.neuro-headache.com/ It turns out that I was suffering from classic migraine headaches.

To make a long story short, I have been through just about everything you can imagine with my headaches. I have taken all the tripan drugs, injections, nasal sprays, anti-seizure meds, etc. Nothing has really worked for me.

When I became pregnant in early July, 2006, I had to go off all of my preventative medications. (BTW, a South Mediterranean cruise is a great place to go if planning to start a family) Consequently, I suffered from a severe migraine about two to three times a week. Then, when I was 10 weeks pregnant, I had a TIA and was confined to a hospital for five days.

I then had to stop working, which is currently driving me crazy, hence this blog to keep me occupied. Thank goodness I haven't driven my husband completely insane yet by being home. It's also nice that my boss and co-workers have been so cool.

I also have some pretty cool friends. They've been there to hear me complain about my struggles. They've also taken the time to respond to the influx of emails I constantly send them due to my enormous amount of free time. (It is amazing what you can learn on the Internet... did you know that the host of Bravo's Top Chef is married to Salman Rushdie?) I'm sure they love hearing me go on and on about how bored I am, when they're putting in a 50 hour work week.

Here is a picture of the aforementioned friends. This was taken at our ten year HS reunion!

I am now 27 weeks pregnant and I'm not too pleased to report that I am still getting migraines at the same frequency and intensity. I had a total of 14 migraine headache days in the month of December. I will have a great couple of days, and then I'll be knocked out by a migraine for 24-48 hours. Then the cycle repeats itself.

Here is a picture of me when I was almost six months pregnant!

I was recently tested for a specific heart condition that my doctor thought I might have due to my TIA and migraines. It turns out I have something called a PFO or Patent Foramen Ovale. "A patent foramen ovale, or PFO, is an opening between the upper two chambers of the heart that have failed to close after birth. This congenital defect is also known as “hole in the heart” and affects about 25 percent of the population. Most patients survive into adulthood with an undetected PFO without any significant symptoms. Though most patients with PFO don't experience any symptoms, it is the most likely cause of stroke in patients under age 55. The condition predisposes a patient to stroke when small, often undetectable, clots forms in the pelvic region or lower extremities." (SORRY FOR THE BOOK REPORT)

Anyways, it turns out there is a possible link between people who suffer from migraines and people with a PFO. The research is still quite controversial, and I'm not sure what I'm going to do about this discovery. I may be able to have surgery to close the hole after my baby is born.

My pregnancy is otherwise going well. I'm exercising and doing yoga regularly. I've set up rules for myself that I have been following to keep sane. We decided not to find out what we are having. I like the idea of having a surprise when the baby is born.

So, that is where I am right now. Aren't you riveted?