Tuesday, January 30, 2007


I'm back. Aren't you lucky? I've had a few days of headaches and some sleepless nights, so I'm feeling good today and ready to roll. I feel the need to catch you up on what I’ve been doing. After you read this post, you'll probably think I should have waited to post something more substantial. I apologize in advance for that one.

The most interesting thing I did over the past few days was make brownies. Now, if you know me at all, you know that I don't really cook, so this is a big deal. Granted, they were from a box and all I had to do was add the mix, eggs and oil. Still, this is huge for me.

Andy also put together baby D's crib this week! The nursery is now painted and we are looking forward to putting together our matching changing table and dressers! It is all beginning to come together!

You may have noticed the little frog in the baby's crib. My brother John has been giving me frogs for Christmas for as long as I can remember. He sent this chirping frog toy along for our baby this Christmas!

Come to think of it, I have a lot of frogs around the house. They have all been given to me as gifts over the years. Here are a few of them.

I ran into this frog in Europe this summer. I had to stop and say hello!

Andy gave me this frog keychain over 12 years ago for my 16th birthday. I have cherished it ever since!

These frogs hang out in one of our bathrooms.

This frog is a magnet on our fridge! He guards all the food! (He also holds up pictures of Tash and I and one of Andy and Luke!)

This frog also hangs out in the bathroom.

This frog watches out for fire.

This frog has a green thumb.

Here is another firefighting frog. It is a popular profession for these animals.

If you think I have a lot of frogs at home, you should see my classroom. I have frog borders, posters, cups, magnets, stickers, pens, calendars and so on. A few years ago, one of my seventh grade boys came up to my desk. It was during the first week of school and he was almost in tears. The conversation went something like this:

Him: Ms. P. I have to tell you something.

Me: Okay, sweetie what is it?

Him: In my country we eat frogs.

Me: That is okay. Are they good?

Him: Yes, they taste like chicken. I didn't know that you liked frogs so much. I won't eat them again.

1 comment:

JMD said...

This site should provide you with some fun!
