Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Parental Advisory: No Content

When I was the yearbook advisor I would always tell my students that we needed more content in our layouts. They would design a spread with multiple photos and no text. I remember telling them that we needed more than just one line captions under pictures; we needed some meat, we needed a story!

Well, I suppose I should follow my own advice. I’ve basically been posting random pictures with some sloppy captions and callin’ it a day. My students would be so disappointed with my lack-luster writing. I wish I could just hook up a USB cord to my brain and download all the stories and posts that I’ve been thinking of.

For example:

Why do socks get lost in the dryer? Even baby socks?
The logo for the 2012 Olympic Games
My thoughts on the last episode of Sopranos
Larry King, and why he annoys me so much lately
The media, and why they continue to report on Paris Hilton’s jail sentence
What drugs the writers of Spiderman 3 must‘ve been on when writing the script. I walked out after Spidey started dancing around in a jazz club. I mean C'mon!

Anyways, I once heard someone say that not having enough time to do something is never an excuse because we all have the same amount of time. Point taken. (and in this case ignored… here are some more random pics and sloppy captions…)

Uncle Danny and Ryane

Ryane with her grandparents!

Aunt KatieRyane and Courtney on Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day weekend at The Hubbard's
Ryane and Andy

Grandma P shooting Mr. Hubbard's BB Gun!

Ryane is getting tired from all the action.

Proud parents. Erich and Kelly with baby Payton Marie!

Born May 31st!

Andy and Chris with their best girls! A fun play date with cousin Madeleine Marie and Uncle Chris.

Happy Birthday to Reese! 1 year old!

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