Wednesday, May 9, 2007

I have a minute...

Well, I don’t even know where to begin. I have a some time to write as Ryane is swinging in her Aquatic Playtime Take Along Swing. I’m not sure who enjoys the swing more, her or me. Anyways, it feels good to be posting something again, no matter how short or insignificant this post may turn out to be. After all, I may have to end this post any second to tend to Ryane for any number of reasons. So, if I suddenly trail off in the middle of a sentence, you’ll know why. (Or, I’ll be guilty of another fragment)

So, what have I been up to? Lots of things over the past six weeks. Well, for starters there is this eight pound human being in my home that depends on me and my husband for EVERYTHING! This was an adjustment at first, but now I am used to it and Ryane and I have settled into a nice little routine. We hit a few minor speedbumps in the beginning like: C-section recovery, migraines, clogged milk ducts, and an angry breast abcess, but once that was taken care of things began to look up for me!

I have lots of pictures of Ryane to share. I'll upload them and post them soon.

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