Sunday, January 7, 2007

What the heck am I doing?

Due to the persistence of my friend Justine, I have decided to begin writing this blog. (You can check out her blog at: She was probably getting sick of me reminding her to update her blog, and therefor insisted that I start my own. The thing is, Justine has a pretty interesting life. She just moved to LA with her fabulous boyfriend and has a variety of entertaining adventures to share. You will soon discover, especially if you continue reading, that my life is not nearly as adventurous.

Ok, I take that back. It is extremely adventurous. Adventurous in the sense that I am 27 weeks pregnant with my first child! (I think explanation points are overused, but that definitely calls for a special punctuation mark.)

I can predict this is not going to be easy. I'm only two paragraphs in, and I've reached my first crucial questions regarding this blog:
Do I want to share this with with friends only? Family? In-laws? Co-workers? Who is my audience? What do I want my tone to be? Do I want to be funny? Serious? Genuine? Sincere? Warm-hearted? Cynical? (that one is especially easy for me) or HONEST?

Hmm.... honest? That means I could tell the truth about things that I am thinking and feeling. I could write all the things that I would never actually say out loud. Ohhh, the possibilities... I could dish out the real dirt about my life.

I think not. I'll keep this light and dish out my real issues on another "anonymous" blog, that none of you will ever read. Deal?

So, here goes nothing. Word up.

1 comment:

FrankyFrank said...

Word Up Merry. You asked the question in your blog "what should I be" Funny, interesting, smart, etc, etc. Well, I know what the audience wants, Merry. Write your blog with your animated personality, your goofy faces, and the crazy movement of your elf hands. Elf, Elf, Elf.

Not only can you use your blog to tell about your life, but you will find your blog will be consumed with info about your family. Honestly, for us, that is one of the most entertaining thing about us, stories. You can use this blog later in life to create your first published book.

Peace out speedwalker.

Remember, BLOGS are real, just like animation.